Realizamos un recorrido por las distintas acciones de la campaña en las filiales provinciales del país desde su llegada en el año 2023.

Realizamos un recorrido por las distintas acciones de la campaña en las filiales provinciales del país desde su llegada en el año 2023.

Realizamos un recorrido por las distintas acciones de la campaña en las filiales provinciales del país desde su llegada en el año 2023.

Realizamos un recorrido por las distintas acciones de la campaña en las filiales provinciales del país desde su llegada en el año 2023.
October 25, 2024
The CHAU MOSQUITO Campaign arrives in Peru in 2023. After the presentation of the campaign to the Peruvian Red Cross Committee and its Executive Directorate, it was agreed to implement it in the different provincial branches of Perú, giving priority to the most critical ones in epidemiological terms.
The CHAU MOSQUITO Campaign aims to raise awareness about the diseases transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and promote prevention actions in the most affected locations.
In Perú the campaign takes the name CHAU ZANCUDO. After adapting and contextualizing the materials to this country, the implementation of the training begins.
Between June and November 2023, 25 remote training sessions were provided for the teams of the different branches of the Peruvian Red Cross.
Between November 10 and 12, members of the CHAU MOSQUITO campaign training team travel to Lima to provide in-person training and strengthen the local team.
The SCJ company in turn establishes a link with CRP for the donation of repellent products.
In 2024, the coordination and collaboration between the Peruvian Red Cross, Edupas - the organization that coordinates the campaign - and SC Johnson will continue, which from its Community area supports the implementation and development of the campaign in different countries in the region.
Within the framework of what was expected to be a challenging year for the dengue problem in Perú and the region, since April 2024 the campaign was implemented in 11 provincial branches prioritized according to the epidemiological situation of dengue in the country.
The subsidiaries in which the campaign was developed are: Chiclayo, Pisco, Ica, Piura, Lima, Huarmey, Padre Abad, Coronel Portillo, Del Santa, Tambopata and Tumbes.
Sandra Béjar Huaranja, responsible for the National Coordination of Health and Human Safety, explained that the objective of the Chau Zancudo Work Plan is to strengthen the capacities of the population of the provincial branches prioritized at the national level, to implement preventive actions and adopt effective vector control measures against dengue, in collaboration with regional and local authorities, the organized community and volunteers.
So far in 2024, 217 people have been trained in “Community strategies and actions for the prevention and control of diseases transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.” Volunteers, community leaders and youth leaders from the 11 provincial branches attended. Likewise, 39 activities were carried out in 11 provincial branches that include prevention, awareness campaigns and days to eliminate breeding sites.
There was also the participation of 3 educational institutions for the execution of good practices for the prevention and control of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, with the implementation of the secondary school contest “Dengue Hunters” in the Provincial Branch of Del Santa – Chimbote, in the department of Ancash. The educational institution that was the winner was I. E N° 88417 CONSTRUCTORS DEL SABER.
In relation to the donations from the SC Johnson company, the delivery of sanitary products, disinfectants, repellents and insecticides to 1,792 beneficiaries of the different provincial branches of the Peruvian Red Cross was completed.
Chau Mosquito